The Original Re-enacted Audio Bible Stories Noah's Ark
Gift Pack Passion Special Old Schoolhouse Freebie

Gift Pack

Gift Pack - 5 CDs (30 audio stories) Gift the gift of Bible stories! You, your children, family and friends will experience the Bible as never before by listening to these dramatized audio Bible stories of some all time favorite Bible stories: Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, The Good Samaritan and Zacchaeus.

These reenacted Bible stories will bring your and your family together as you learn and enjoy the Word of God. You'll want to hear these stories again and again! These stories are for people of all ages!

The Gift Pack is a great introduction to the 450 dramatized audio Bible stories (56 hours) of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. Use these Bible stories to help your kids learn more about the Bible while building their characters by visualizing the values taught in God's word. What an exciting and entertaining way for your kids to learn about God, Jesus and the heroes of the Bible! You'll find that you and your kids will actually sit and listen to the Bible stories!

Listen to the Bible stories during school and work commutes, while exercising, during family worship, homeschool, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, church classes, personal devotions and at bedtime.

These audio Bible stories give all who listen new perspectives on these timeless stories. Professional actors' voices, combined with music and sound effects, make these stories come alive!

Listen to the Bible ... in living sound!

Regular Price: $30

Click here for a list of tracks >
5 CD Pack Story Titles
CD 3 — Noah's Ark
13. Noah Builds an Ark
14. The Animals Enter the Ark
15. Noah's Final Invitation
16. The Flood
17. On Mount Ararat
18. The Tower of Babel
CD 20 — David and Goliath
115. David and Goliath
116. David Marries Saul's Daughter
117. David Escapes Saul's Soldiers
118. Jonathan Warns David
119. David Flees from Saul
120. In the Cave of Adullam
CD 40 — Queen Esther
235. An Orphan Girl
236. Esther Becomes Queen
237. Haman Hates Mordecai
238. Esther Helps in a Crisis
239. The Queen's Invitation
240. Haman's Defeat
CD 52 — The Good Samaritan
307. Jesus Sends Out the Seventy
308. The Return of the Seventy
309. The Good Samaritan
310. Jesus Teaches
311. The Parable of the Great Feast
312. The Prodigal Son
CD 54 — Zacchaeus
319. A Plot to Kill Jesus
320. Zacchaeus, the Tax Collector
321. Jesus and Zacchaeus
322. Jesus Anointed at Bethany
323. The Triumphal Entry
324. The Barren Fig Tree

$21.99  $12.95

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