Radio Inquiries
Please contact us for more information and permission to air THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND on the radio:
800.634.0234 (Pacific Time/USA and Canada) or info@BibleInLivingSound.org
Many radio stations air THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. The dramatized audio Bible stories may be used as a public service. We ask that credit be given to THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND on the air at the end of each broadcast.
People of all ages enjoy listening to to the Bible ... in living sound!
Purchase the DVD with MP3 files (blue cover) which has all 450 dramatized audio Bible stories/56 hours on one disc.
Below THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND has provided a prerecorded introduction and radio extro to introduce and conclude THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND for each program; or record similar ones to these at your radio station. Thank you for mentioning in the broadcast THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's website www.BibleInLivingSound.org and that we are on Facebook and Instagram.