Hear the counsel given to the Corinthians on how to live a VICTORIOUS! life! Journey with Paul to the temple where he is arrested and hear his VICTORIOUS speeches before Felix, Festus and Agrippa! Relive the drama of the crashing waves and an island shipwreck; but all aboard are protected and are VICTORIOUS in a swim to safety! Envision the aging Paul, his thoughts inspired from heaven, writing of his VICTORIOUS life in "Jesus Christ our Lord"! Applaud the apostle Paul during his VICTORIOUS testimony of "finishing his course" and being "faithful unto death"!
THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's audio dramatizations are reenacted events of the Bible that captivate listeners of all ages as they visualize and learn the values taught in God's Word. Listen to the Bible ... in living sound!
Listen to dramatized Bible stories from Paul's Letter to the Corinthians to Paul being faithful unto death in VICTORIOUS!
30 Bible stories on 5 CDs in VICTORIOUS!
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Use Exploring God's Book 4 workbook as a Bible study guide for personal study, church, Sunday School and home school curriculum for VICTORIOUS! Volume 8.
VICTORIOUS! (Volume 8)
71. The Corinthians
421. A Letter to the Corinthians
422. At Ephesus and Macedonia
423. Run with Patience
Eutychus Raised
424. Paul's Life Threatened
425. Eutychus Falls from a Window
426. On the Way to Jerusalem
72. Paul Arrested
427. A Report from the Gentiles
428. The Ceremony of Purification
429. Paul Arrested in the Temple
Paul and Felix
430. Paul Defends Himself
431. A Plot to Kill Paul
432. Paul Sent to Felix
73. Felix and Drusilla
433. Paul Before Felix
434. Defense Before Felix
435. Before Felix and Drusilla
Paul and Festus
436. Festus Appointed Governor
437. Paul Before Festus
438. Paul Appeals to the Emperor
74. Agrippa and Bernice
439. Before Agrippa and Bernice
440. "Almost Thou Persuadest Me"
441. Paul Sails for Rome
442. The Storm at Sea
443. The Shipwreck
444. In Malta
75. Paul in Rome
445. With Christian Friends
446. Paul Arrives in Rome
447. Paul Ministers in Rome
Faithful Unto Death
448. Paul Counsels Onesimus
449. Rome Burns
450. Paul Faithful Unto Death