The Original Re-enacted Audio Bible Stories Noah's Ark
Christmas Special - 1 MP3 DVD and 1 Audio DVD USB or DVD Special Offer Bible Stories - Complete Set Bible Stories - MP3 on DVD Bible Stories - MP3 on USB drive Bible Stories - Audio DVD

Christmas Special - 1 MP3 DVD and 1 Audio DVD

Complete set of dramatized audio Bible stories in MP3 DVD, and Audio DVD.

Christmas Special includes two discs for $69! Save $29! Each disc is normally sold for $49. Buy the MP3 (blue cover) and receive the Audio DVD (green cover) for just $20 more.

Each DVD contains all of the 450 dramatized audio Bible stories of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. 56 hours!

  • MP3 DVD contains the stories in MP3 format. Load the stories onto your MP3 player using iTunes or another media manager or listen to them on your computer.
  • Audio DVD Listen to the disc on your computer, play in a TV DVD player or in any other DVD player. Use like any regular DVD. Scroll through the menu to select the story to listen to.

Get both discs for $69.

All who listen to these dramatized audio Bible stories will learn lessons from scripture while enjoying these exciting and entertaining audio Bible stories. Our customers share that they and their children love to listen to the stories again and again! Give the gift of Bible stories to you, your children and grandchildren! This complete set includes stories from the Bible: stories of the Old Testament, stories of Jesus, and stories of Paul and the Apostles in the New Testament.

THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND stories are presented like a radio play, with background music, sound effects and professional actors' voices.

"THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND has been tremendously enjoyed by our children. We have found that the retention of Bible facts has been the highest through this means than in any other religious exposure."

Your kids might also enjoy the puzzles and word games in our Bible study workbooks.

More About the MP3 DVD

450 dramatized audio Bible stories in MP3 format, stored on a DVD. 56 hours on one disc.

  • Load the stories onto your iPhone, iPad or iPod using iTunes. (Requires a computer with a DVD drive)
  • Load the Bible stories onto any MP3 Player.
  • Listen to the audio Bible stories on your computer.
  • These audio files are stored on one data DVD
  • The DVD disc holds 3.6GB of audio files.
  • These are dramatized audio Bible stories, with sound effects and music; not video.

More About the Audio DVD

  • One audio DVD of 450 dramatized audio Bible stories. 56 hours!
  • Enjoy the stories on Audio DVD. Play the disc in your computer, in a TV DVD player or any DVD player.
  • Scroll through the menu to select the story to listen to.
  • These are dramatized audio Bible stories; not video.

The complete set of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is now available on these two disc formats. Thanks to technology all of the 450 dramatized audio Bible stories (56 hours) fit on one disc! This reduces the production costs of manufacturing 75 CDs.

If you don't have a DVD drive or player, you can purchase the Bible stories on CDs that play in any CD player.

$69.00  $59.00

Copyright © 1998-2024 THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND®.